Blaze DFM merges with Aprio

So, the DFM consolidation has begun…..

While acquisitions of DFM companies by EDA vendors was already there, this is the first merger between 2 DFM companies. Blaze’s parametric DFM expertise complements Aprio’s lithography analysis skill-set. Together they can synergize on DFM analysis as well as optimization and address both manufacturing as well as the designer sets.

I had pointed out in an earlier post “Who will be left standing in DFM”, that in the consolidation phase, it will be a selected few who stand a chance to survive. Together, Blaze DFM-Aprio do come under this category.

Will this serve as the catalyst for further such mergers and pave way for “pure play DFM vendors” as opposed to EDA vendors selling DFM as a part of their “complete design flow portfolio” ??

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