India’s semiconductor policy - the ongoing debate

Read this article (Nadamuni says, in EE Times) ; Wanted to submit my comments there but looks like a perpetual error while submitting comments…..

2 issues which could be of concern to the fledgling Indian semiconductor market are: potential overcapacity situation and offering an attractive pricing strategy in face of strong competition from established regional foundries.

Investing with new equipment in light of the above and especially with the unavailability of incentives for such plants i.e. with second hand semiconductor equipment will make the potential investors wary.

However, having said that, if India were to offer the same set of incentives for second hand semicon equipment too, it’ll take a long time for it to catch up with cutting edge technology fabs as well as to address the design needs of the local design houses which have emerged from working on trailing edge technos to the leading edge ones.
Perhaps, a different set of incentives could work……???

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