Continuing on my earlier posts on a few interesting data sets on some select startups (and scale ups) in the autonomous driving eco-system…………. Mostly when we think about electric vehicles, we gear towards smart and efficient batteries, high charge storage, long lasting (longer range), quick charging, scalable charging infrastructure etc. Roads that these vehicles tread […]
Posts in the Semiconductor category:
Outcomes based pricing for silicon content – Silicon power by the hour (nee “outcome”)
The September 2016 HBR issue has an article, “ Putting products into services” by Mohanbir Sawhney. The author here addresses on how high end professional services firms can realize the same premium returns as product or platform firms. He elaborates on 3 phases: discovering opportunities, developing products and monetizing products Reading on the monetizing products […]
Extending into adjacencies
The May 2016 issue of Harvard Business Review has an interesting article, “How to hedge your strategic bets” by George Stalk Jr and Ashish Iyer. The article focuses on 3 strategic options: Temporary organizations, exploratory acquisitions and Disposable factories. While I found the complete article informative, it was the exploratory acquisitions part that really caught […]
Embedded vision chips, IoT and the semiconductor industry
There is more to in the IoT bandwagon for the semiconductor industry than filling up traditional hardware sockets – this has been one of my pet thinking cap topic for quite some time now. On these lines, an interesting news article that caught my attention a few days back was on Movidius extending its partnership […]
Further on IoT opportunities for semiconductor industry
Continuing from an earlier post on the above topic…….. One of the “perks” of managing and chairing a session as well as moderating a panel discussion in it for SEMI, is that one gets to have a good marketing and PR coverage – company logo displayed on banners and show handouts, online marketing channels as […]
New opportunities for Singapore semiconductor ecosystem – Riding the Make in India mantra
It had been a while since I visited India for biz and my recent trip to Bangalore for the Indian Electronics Semiconductor Association (IESA) Vision Summit 2015 early this month was an eye opener on the vast potential the country holds as an economic power. All of us are aware of the euphoria building up […]
More than hardware sockets – Opportunities for semiconductor industry in IoT
In October 2011, four months shy of filing for bankruptcy, the CEO of a major player XXX told investors, “XXX is using state of the art production technology, yet the finished products are sold for half the price of a rice ball”. Guess the industry and the player mentioned above….. Well, the industry is semiconductors […]
Are you capturing enough value on your innovation?
Read an interesting article, “Capture more value” by Stefan Michel in the latest HBR issue (October 2014). The article talks about how companies while putting in efforts in value creation often lose focus on value capture, thus leaving money on the table. It describes 5 different innovation categories in value capture – Changing the price […]